
DevOps++ Global Summit 2020 #doppa2020 welcomes Ruban Kumar as our esteemed speaker

We would like to Welcome Ruban Kumar as our esteemed speaker for DevOps++ Global Summit 2020 #doppa2020

Ruban along with Suganya will be taking an Interactive Session on  DevOps Practice: Effective Data Distribution on Kafka Cluster to attain Low Latency and High throughput in Data Streaming Use Cases – Track 1 on Day 1

Ruban Kumar is from Chennai. He have completed Bachelor of Technology in Information and technology from Sri Sairam Institute of Technology Chennai. He is working as a Big Data Administrator in TCS Chennai,having sound knowledge and experience in problem solving, managing DBs and troubleshooting skills. He always learn to do something because it gives him a new experience in his life.

We had posted some questions to Ruban as a part of his #ATAMyStory

1. Why do you think speaking at #doppa2020 really matters to you?

Doppa is a big forum with good experienced speakers, participating in this public forum is a very good opportunity for me to explore new things, share my idea and get to know new people. I believe this event will enhance my knowledge.

2. Do you think that organizations and individuals should promote virtual learnings special in the current situation?

I believe moving towards digital learning is way more useful in upcoming days. Because we can learn more than we do in normal traditional learning. So I support organizations and individuals should promote virtual learning.

3. While practice makes all of us perfect, share an everyday practice that has made things better for you at work?

  • I always keep myself updated on new comings(product/technology) through internet.
  • I look at the positive side of every situation, that keeps me going.
  • Challenge yourself every now and then.

>> For schedule and registrations about #doppa2020 please click on the following buttons

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